贴图绘制软件 Substance 3D Painter v9.1.2

发布时间:2024-04-29    浏览:1778


从高级画笔到能够自动适应模型的智能材质,Substance 3D Painter 具有为 3D 资源绘制纹理所需的工具。为您的艺术作品注入活力。符合标准Substance 3D Painter 广泛用于游戏和电影制作,以及产品设计、时尚和建筑领域。对于各地的创意专业人士来说,它是必备的 3D 纹理应用。
关闭杀毒,防止注册机被误删双击Set-up.exe安装软件完成后,右键管理员身份运行注册机AdobeGenP.exe,点击左下角的Path,选择软件的安装目录,然后点击Search,会自动查找安装目录里面安装的所有Adobe软件,查找完成之后,勾选你需要破解的软件,完成后点击Patch破解即可如何修改安装位置?用记事本打开products文件夹里面的driver.xml,里面的C:\Program Files\Adobe修改成你要安装的目录即可如何修改软件语言?打开软件,顶部菜单,编辑-首选项-常规-语言,找到你需要的语言修改即可


Release date: 2024/01/30
Summary: Minor release, bug fixes


[Performance] Improve first fill layer creation time in new projects

[Performance] Reduce loading time of heavy environment maps

[Substance] Allow to save/close projects even when thumbnails are generating


Save fails on previous version projects when viewport is modified

[Crash] Reimporting mesh when using custom AO and color management

[Fill projection] Clicking on Scale manipulator gives "not paintable" message

[Brush] Painting with UV alignment causes artefacts

[Layer stack] Renaming layer is slow when stack is very long

[Layer Stack] Incorrect error message when using incompatible filter in mask

[Layer stack] Selection switches back to top layer after deletion

[Export] Generated normal texture is always in 3D Space Neighbor padding mode

[Export] Texture alpha is not generated with 2D View export preset

[Export] SBSAR export has incorrect usages with converted maps

[Shader] Shader API changelog is not up to date with latest ASM changes

Known Issues:

[Color Management] HDR color space conversions with ACE on Linux produce clamped colors

[Crash][Linux][AMD] Dragging and dropping resources in layer stack on Wayland OS

[Regression][UI] Right Click Menu is too small on HD screens

[Crash][Python] USD export triggered by TextureStateEvent


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lAPWCcrWeGP-Xcq7V2HN9A?pwd=xcnw 

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