超级动态天空 Ultra Dynamic Sky

发布时间:2021-10-16    浏览:4806



  • Set a single Time of Day variable and have every aspect of the sky update along with it, making changing the time your scene takes place a one step process.

  • Fully dynamic, with customizable clouds, moon and stars.

  • A built in lighting solution with sun, moon and sky lighting all synced with the sky.

  • Adjust cloud coverage from a clear sky to overcast.

  • Animate a day/night cycle with a single click.

  • Dynamic aurora effects

 • Multiplayer ready

  • Choose from volumetric 3D clouds, 2D dynamic clouds, static clouds, and even volumetric auroras.

  • A full weather system is included, Ultra Dynamic Weather, which adds rain, snow, lightning, and more to your scene in seconds.

  • Enable Simulation features, which calculate the real world position of the Sun, Moon and Stars, using latitude, longitude, date and time.


For full documentation, see the included readme, in the Blueprints folder.

Total Contents of the Product (As Latest Version):

4 Blueprints:

Ultra Dynamic Sky

Ultra Dynamic Weather

Rain Drip Spline

Weather Override Volume

14 Materials:

1 for Main Sky Material

1 for Volumetric Clouds

1 for Volumetric Auroras

2 for Cloud Shadows

1 for Static Clouds

1 for Volumetric Cloud Fog

3 for Rain and Snow effects

4 for Lightning effects

27 Textures:

3 for 3D Volumetric Cloud textures

5 for Base 2D Cloud Texture Variants

3 for Sky Light Cube Maps

4 for Sky Textures (Moon, stars, ect)

2 for Static Clouds

3 for Lightning particles

2 for Snow

3 for Rain

2 for Rain Snow and Splash particles

5 Niagara Particle Systems

4 for Weather Effects

1 for Volumetric Cloud Fog

9 Sound Cues

Wind Cue (4 Sound Waves)

Wind Whistling Cue (1 Sound Wave)

Close Thunder Cue (6 Sound Waves)

Distant Thunder Cue (11 Sound Waves)

Rain Cue (11 Sound Waves)

Puddle Movement Cue (1 Sound Wave)

Puddle Splash Cue (4 Sound Waves)

Snow Movement Cue (1 Sound Wave)

Snow Impact Cue (6 Sound Waves)


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Vee0MKiYw4JP5uWEfuD9Mw 

提取码: 5p25