Autodesk Maya Bonus Tools 2018/2022

发布时间:2021-05-20    浏览:6823


Bonus Tools 2018/2022  是Autodesk®Maya®脚本和插件的免费集合。安装Bonus Tools后,附加的下拉菜单将添加到Maya主菜单的末尾。此菜单可让您轻松访问日常使用的各种工具和实用程序。每个子菜单包含许多相关工具。像标准Maya菜单一样,它们中的每一个都可以撕下并漂浮。


在安装BonusTools 2022之前,应先卸载较早版本的Maya BonusTools,以避免发生冲突。


**警告:新的SpeedCut工具将在Linux / Mac上崩溃,但在Windows上可以正常使用。**

New Tools


• Modeling -> Speed Cut (windows only)

• Modeling -> Extrude Instance Mesh


Updated Tools


• Rigging -> Weight Editor


Retired Tools


• Windows -> Scene Assembly Manager  (obsolete)

• Modeling -> Curve to Tube Mesh(replaced by Sweep Mesh)

• Modeling -> Curve to Ribbon Mesh(replaced by Sweep Mesh)

• Precompiled legacy Devkit examples (removed for stability reasons)


Note: In order to support the app from shared network drives the MAYA_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable needs to be set to point to the directory that contains PackageContents.xml.


提取码: 8ejq