rapidPlace 2.5 Maya

发布时间:2021-02-10    浏览:1176



Version note:

2.5: new blend mode for stamp shape, multi-mode for place random objects

2.32: - UI bug fix

2.31Beta: - display bug fix, rePosition hotkey fix


-Place mode: place stamp from selected faces, exchange stamps, Mesh Projection with volume preservation

-Stamp mode: slice stamp, help better mesh projection to face with curvature

-Create mode: rename folder, quick tool help organize stamp export, export with poly edge crease information

-UI: speed improve when switch tag

2.1 - Batch export mode, remove mode. New stack / swing mode

2.01 - Stamp tool and update UI

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uAthKXDyz4LtvB8IBI2d3w 

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