SLiB Leuchtkraft v1.65是一款适用于Autodesk Maya的专业灯光照明插件,可提供快速准确的方式来设置和控制灯光。只需点击一下鼠标,就可以将它们准确放置在您想要的位置。所有重要的光源属性(强度,距离,大小,旋转,贡献...)都可以从一个窗口轻松控制。直观的用户界面控制所有灯光和相关的渲染属性,支持渲染引擎:Redshift,VRay和Arnold
Leuchtkraft is a professional lighting plug-in for Autodesk Maya that provides a fast and accurate way to set up and control your lights. No more trial and error - with a simple mouse click you place them exactly where you want them to be. All important Light Attributes (Intensity, Distance, Size, Rotation, Contribution, ...) can easily be controlled from a single window.
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