学习如何使用高级的Maya工作流程创建逼真的木纹,皮革,砖块和织物纹理,该工作流程结合了Photoshop,Mudbox和Substance Painter等工具。作者Andy Beane带着现有的三维模型,如皮椅和落地灯,并展示如何构建一个视觉故事,增强他们外观的真实感。使用Photoshop中的图像处理功能来构建3D纹理,并展示如何在Mudbox中的模型上直接绘制它们 - 实时获得最终渲染预览。然后切换到Substance Painter,创建在Maya中应用的程序纹理。该课程提供练习文件和坚实的工作流程,可帮助您在纹理过程将遇到的问题。
Still don't have the professional results you've been looking for in your renders? Go beyond basic textures. Learn how to create realistic wood grain, leather, brick, and fabric textures using an advanced Maya workflow that incorporates tools like Photoshop, Mudbox, and Substance Painter. Instructor Andy Beane takes existing models such as a leather chair and a floor lamp and shows how to build a visual story that enhances the realism of their appearance. He uses image manipulation features in Photoshop to build 3D textures and shows how to paint them directly on your models in Mudbox – getting a final-render-like preview in real time. Then he switches to Substance Painter, creating procedural textures that are applied back in Maya. The course provides hands-on practice and a solid workflow that will help you texture almost any object you encounter in the future.
- UV基础知识
- 平铺纹理
- 缩放纹理
- 创建凹凸,高光和法线贴图
- 绘画纹理
- 导出和渲染纹理贴图
- 在Substance Painter中创建纹理
- 将Substance Painter的纹理应用到Maya
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jju05u-Uu-mL8ShBKz9eRQ
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