Arnold 5是Maya的新的高品质渲染引擎,Maya的现实渲染比以往任何时候都更容易使用这种强力的蒙特卡罗射线追踪器,Arnold 5的物理渲染准确模拟现实世界中的光,但允许破坏物理规律来实现艺术风格,本课程概述了Maya中使用Arnold核心版本5的照明,材质和渲染的基本功能。
Arnold rendering concepts
Lighting with Maya and Arnold lights
Controlling exposure
Filtering light with Gobo
Light attenuation with Decay
Image-based lighting with Skydome
Exterior daylight with Physical Sky
Arnold Standard Surface material attributes
Mapping material attributes
Rendering refractions
Mesh subdivision and displacement at render time
Shading effects such as ambient occlusion and vertex color
Camera effects such as fisheye and depth of field
Animation image sequence rendering
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